Courses for nurses

Examples of courses:

General nursing: bedside patient hygiene; rules and methods of drug administration Nursing care in intensive care units: examination manoeuvres, monitoring manoeuvres; blood manoeuvres; intervention manoeuvres
Surgical nursing: assisting small surgery and wound care; preoperative preparation of patients; supervision and postoperative care; Prevention of nosocomial infections: basics of nosocomial infections; chemical classes of disinfectants and chemical disinfections; hand hygiene; epidemiology of accidental exposure of healthcare professionals to blood; nosocomial infections prevention; basic and advanced life support for child and adult; support adult and child
Pedriatic nursing Obstetrical and gynecological nursing Guidelines for care of the patients with a gastrointestinal disorder Reno-urological nursing
Nursing guidelines in blood transfusion and hemodialysis Neurological nursing Nursing care of elderly patients Nursing care of terminal patients
Patient preparation and assisting for radiological examinations Patient preparation and assisting for ultrasound examinations Sterilization course


Examples of manoeuvres and practical skills:

Patient hygiene Patient mobilization Prevention and treatment of pressure sores Vital signs: pulse rate, blood rate, heart rate, respiration rate, body temperature
Peripheral venous blood drawing in adult and child; urine collection; coproculture collection Arterial blood drawing for blood gas analysis adult and child Infusion mounting guidelines Purulent secretions collection LCR collection
Nasogastric sound procedure Urinary catheterization Local haemostasis procedure Oxygen therapy procedure Suctioning secretions procedures
Oropharyngeal cannulation using Guedel pipe Cardiac arrest recognition Recognition of major ECG abnormalities Bag valve mask and balloon ventilation procedure Aseptic and antiseptic techniques


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