Adult training arm for intravenous, subcutaneous injection and blood collection
– presents simulated cephalic, basilic, ante- cubital, radial, and ulnar veins;
– can simulate collapsed veins;
– allows blood collection exercises with simulated blood;
– allows administration of medication by intravenous bolus.
Infant training arm for intravenous injection and blood collection
– allows administration of medication by intravenous bolus and blood collection;
– allows peripheral intravenous catheterization exercises.
1 year training arm for intravenous injection
– presents a medial venous structure;
– presents two veins in dorsum of hand;
– presents radial and brachial arteries;
– allows blood collection and intravenous catheterization exercises.
Adult training arm for arterial and venous puncture and arterial and venous blood collection
– presents a subcutaneous injection sites on the volar forearm and lateral upper arm;
– presents an intramuscular injection site on the upper arm;
– presents an arterial system including the radial and brachial arteries;
– presents a hemodialysis site on the forearm.
Adult training model for central venous catheterization via peripheral approach (PICC)
– allows the teaching, practice and assessment of placing PICC lines;
– presents a replaceable translucent arm skin that allows the visualization of the underlying cephalic, basilic and median basilic veins;
– the superior vena cava, subclavian, axillary and jugular veins are also present;
– presents a movable chin that simulates the occlusion of the jugular to prevent the PICC Line from travelling this route.
Procedural simulator for vaginal and multiple gynecological procedures
Full size female lower body that presents the following features:
– bi-manual examination of the normal and pregnant uterus;
– vaginal speculum examination;
– insertion of intrauterine devices.
1 year training leg for intraosseous infusion and injection
Intraosseous leg that simulates an average one year-old child, with the following features:
– replaceable tibial bone that lies under a smooth outer skin, and is moulded with anatomic landmarks for teaching intraosseous access and infusion;
– a femoral vein/ artery pair and an intramuscular injection site.
Adult trainer for airway management
Simulator designed to provide realistic, anatomically correct and visually accurate internal features for airway management techniques:
– the addition of a “real-feel” skin covering provides a more realistic bag mask ventilation training;
– provides realistic feedback during airway management procedures;
– nasal passage, anatomically correct nasal cavity, important landmarks such as the turbinates are clearly defined.
– presents an inflatable tongue with real-life size and texture.
Adult trainer for airway management (difficult airway)
Simulator designed to provide realistic, anatomically correct and visually accurate internal features for airway management techniques:
– delivers a high quality solution for the practice of realistic airway management, percutaneous tracheostomy and emergency cricothyroidotomy training;
– presents realistic features which include: palpable cricoid landmarks, laryngeal cartilages and tracheal rings that provide positive user feedback and easy identification of the sternal notch;
– provides realistic feedback during airway management procedures;
– nasal passage, anatomically correct nasal cavity, important landmarks such as the turbinates are clearly defined.
– presents an inflatable tongue with real-life size and texture.
Baby trainer for airway management
It provides a realistic and anatomically correct paediatric manikin for airway management training:
– facilitates training in the use of bag/mask ventilation, supraglottic airway insertion and both naso and orotracheal intubation;
– offers a realistic feedback during airway management procedures;
– presents realistic external and internal anatomical features allow for easy and successful demonstration of all paediatric videolaryngoscopes;
– presents ‘real feel’ skin covering for added realism.
Female trainer for urinary bladder catheterization
– presents a realistic vulval area and urethral opening;
– presents an internal bladder reservoir for standard catheterization exercises;
– presents an external bladder reservoir mounted on stand for bladder exercises;
– presents functional suprapubic stoma for practice in skin preparation, stoma hygiene, and application of disposable and permanent ostomy bags.
Basic obstetrics simulator
Childbirth simulator consisting in a easily transportable bust that:
– can simulate vertex or breech deliveries;
– can simulate vacuum augmentation or forceps assisted deliveries;
– presents removable abdominal and opaque covers;
– presents audible newborn and maternal heart sounds;
– can simulate audible newborn cries, grunting, and stridor;
– permits practicing of Leopold maneuvers.
Central venous catheterization trainer
– presents numerous access ways: subclavian, supraclavicular, internal jugular;
– offers exceptional ultrasound imaging with all commonly used ultrasound systems;
– completes all the steps for the full procedure, including passing the dilator and catheter;
– is an anatomically correct human torso with landmarks;
– allows differentiation of differentiates arterial and venous blood.
Breast examination simulator (various pathologies)
– provides pathologies for breast self examination (BSE) training and pathologies for clinical breast examination training;
– presents enlarged lymph nodes, fibroadenoma, fibrocystic mass and fluid-filled cysts.
Adult trainer for femural vascular acces
– is an anatomically correct human pelvis with identifiable landmarks, including the anterior superior iliac spine, the pubic tubercle and the inguinal ligament;
– provides high quality realistic ultrasound image.
– vessels are long enough to allow full catheterization;
– presents arterial hand pump that creates a realistic arterial pulse, which can be palpated or identified with ultrasound.
Adult trainer for basic life support and airway management
Multifunctional, compact, portable simulator with the following features:
– presents realistic airway which is manually programmable to include tongue edema, laryngospasm and pharyngeal swelling
– allows realistic chest compression/recoil;
– allows unilateral chest rise with right main stem intubation;
– allows bilateral needle decompression at the 2nd intercostal space;
– allows bilateral drainage at the 5th intercostal space using conventional large diameter chest tubes;
– presents mobile joints – head tilt/chin lift and jaw thrust.
Adult trainer for basic life support and automatic and semiautomatic defibrillator usage
Multifunctional, compact, portable simulator with the following features:
– presents intubatable airway with tongue, vocal cords, and trachea;
– allows realistic head tilt/chin lift and jaw thrust;
– presents realistic chest cavity which allows students to experience the correct force needed to perform proper chest compressions;
– presents anatomically correct landmarks for proper hand placement;
– allows proper chest compressions;
– presents automatic pulses and breathing with realistic chest rise.
5-year pediatric simulator for basic and advanced life support
– presents articulated head, neck, and jaw;
– allows NG and OG tube feeding;
– allows chest compressions;
– allows tracheostomy opening;
– allows male and female catheterization;
– presents eyes that open and close in realistic eye sockets for ophthalmic procedures;
– presents ear canal for optic drops and irrigation;
– it is detachable at waist;
– presents intramuscular injection sites;
– presents interchangeable genitalia.
Neonate simulator for nursing and basic and advanced life support
– presents realistic airway with tongue, vocal cords, trachea, and esophagus;
– allows oral or nasal intubation;
– allows the Sellick maneuver;
– allows chest compression;
– allows chest rise and bilateral lung expansion;
– changes colour based upon an initial pre-selected condition and measures the effectiveness of airway ventilation and chest compression;
– presents optional accessories that include an intraosseous leg and an injection training arm;
– allows umbilical catheterization and simulates the pulse.
Newborn nursing simulator
The baby is made of special silicone rubber with the appearance and texture of real skin. It gives the trainee the sense of handling a real baby and is perfectly suited for learning infant handling:
– it has an anterior fontanel, a posterior fontanel, sagittal sutures, and coronal sutures;
– the head is not fixed;
– presents flexible ears;
– it has a clavicle and sternum, making it possible to check for clavicle fractures and to do cardiac massage.
Procedural simulator for basic laparoscopic techniques
„Box Trainer” that is easy to install and compatible with any laptop, equipped with:
– boom mounted, fully adjustable high definition camera;
– a wide variety of skill development exercises;
– realistic laparoscopic instruments.