Examples of courses:
General nursing: bedside patient hygiene; rules and methods of drug administration | Nursing care in intensive care units: examination manoeuvres, monitoring manoeuvres; blood manoeuvres; intervention manoeuvres | ||
Surgical nursing: assisting small surgery and wound care; preoperative preparation of patients; supervision and postoperative care; | Prevention of nosocomial infections: basics of nosocomial infections; chemical classes of disinfectants and chemical disinfections; hand hygiene; epidemiology of accidental exposure of healthcare professionals to blood; nosocomial infections prevention; basic and advanced life support for child and adult; support adult and child | ||
Pedriatic nursing | Obstetrical and gynecological nursing | Guidelines for care of the patients with a gastrointestinal disorder | Reno-urological nursing |
Nursing guidelines in blood transfusion and hemodialysis | Neurological nursing | Nursing care of elderly patients | Nursing care of terminal patients |
Patient preparation and assisting for radiological examinations | Patient preparation and assisting for ultrasound examinations | Sterilization course |
Examples of manoeuvres and practical skills:
Patient hygiene | Patient mobilization | Prevention and treatment of pressure sores | Vital signs: pulse rate, blood rate, heart rate, respiration rate, body temperature | |
Peripheral venous blood drawing in adult and child; urine collection; coproculture collection | Arterial blood drawing for blood gas analysis adult and child | Infusion mounting guidelines | Purulent secretions collection | LCR collection |
Nasogastric sound procedure | Urinary catheterization | Local haemostasis procedure | Oxygen therapy procedure | Suctioning secretions procedures |
Oropharyngeal cannulation using Guedel pipe | Cardiac arrest recognition | Recognition of major ECG abnormalities | Bag valve mask and balloon ventilation procedure | Aseptic and antiseptic techniques |