Advanced life support for English students

Date: 15.10.2016

Duration: 6 hours

Time Interval: 10:00 a.m to 4 p.m.

Number of participants: 18

The workshop will take place at LifeSim Simulation Centre on 15th october from 10:00 a.m. to 4 p.m.

The workshop begins with a theoretical part where we will discuss about the ALS protocol and the post-resuscitation care. In addition we shall present the reversible causes for Cardiac Arrest and for some of them (Metabolic acidosis, Hyperkaliaemia, Hipoxia/Hipoxaemia and Tension Pneumothorax) we will discuss about their management. When it comes to practise you will learn the mechanical, electrical and pharmacologic methods for CPR, peripheral venous catheterization, central venous catheterization – the jugular approach(demonstration with real medical instruments), airway patency with Guedel pipe, Ruben ballon and facial mask ventilation, endotracheal intubation, patient monitoring in the Critical Care Unit, the basics for mechanical ventilation and at the end of the workshop we will have 2 scenarios which will be important for you in fixing the information you have just received and to see how you should approach this medical emergencies.

See you at the workshop!

Payment must be made until 12.10.2016 for the elected participants
